Monitoring your cathodic protection on your assets and networks 24/7

Putting the data in your hands for you to make the decisions

Pipelines, Bridges, Wharves, Rectifiers, Test Points, Drainage Bonds and more

Save time, save resources, save money

Corrosion Applications


We design for mass deployment and full network coverage - thousands of monitored points can be deployed reliably and cost effectively!


We design for mass deployment and full network coverage - thousands of monitored points can be deployed reliably and cost effectively!


We design for mass deployment and full network coverage - thousands of monitored points can be deployed reliably and cost effectively!

How we do it 

We understand our customer needs and stay at the forefront of technology.

DataScape and DataCell have been designed in conjunction with industry to produce the simplest and most reliable method of monitoring their remote assets. We have spent years working in our customer's environments on our customer's assets to understand what is needed, what is optional, and how to deliver it when it is needed.

We combine that knowledge with our leading edge technology focus and implement systems for customer acceptance, ensuring they meet the essential requirements, and then deploy the solutions to industry.

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Why use DataScape ?

What you don't know is more dangerous than you think...

Without monitoring you have no idea of what is happening in your network - what you don't know is more dangerous than you think. Without monitoring the only way you’ll find out is. Without monitoring you can't make significant savings on operational expenses like:

Initiate surveys on your entire fleet from your phone or desktop without the need for any site visit.

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Key Benefits

We design for the environment you live in

DataScape and DataCell are both designed to meet the extreme environments remote assets and networks are commonly found in. City, urban, rural; hot, cold, wet; from a post in the desert to an underground pit - our utility customers will attest to the ruggedness and reliability of the DataScape and DataCell range. 

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