DataScape and DataCell have numerous applications within the cathodic protection industry. Mainly our system is used for:

  • Rectifiers – supply voltage/current, voltage output, current output, cabinet security, potential
  • Test Points – potential, current, on/off potential, coupons, security
  • Area Testing – potential, current, structure comparisons
Transformer Rectifiers

Transformer Rectifiers play an important part in cathodic protection

In many systems actively maintaining the correct structure to soil potential, injecting current onto the structure to achieve the correct potential.

It is critical the potential is maintained in a predetermined range to ensure the structure is protected from corrosion whilst not damaging the structure.

Test Points

The test point is the true auditing point in any cathodic protection system.

Whilst measuring a transformer rectifier may seem the panacea, the harsh reality is that;

Even if the rectifier is operating within it’s boundaries there is no guarantee what it is producing is actually protecting your asset – the system design is right, you know it should be, but is it?

Area Testing

Area testing, or coordinated testing within traction substation areas, is used to test mitigation systems.

This involves all structure owners and the traction operator in a co-ordinated test.

The aim of an area test is to minimise the effect of stray current on the underground metallic structures, while keeping the amount of stray current flowing within the earth to a minimum. This is achieved by adjusting the mitigation system in an attempt to make each test point on every structure being cathodic to the soil line.