The DataCell range is designed to help you conserve the natural resources vital for your business and the environment.

Our products can help you combat environmental and economic threats such as wasteful consumption, and assist you in reducing your carbon footprint.

  1. Water metering
  2. Water pressure measurement
  3. Depth measurement
  4. Gas metering
  5. Tank fill measurement
  6. Sewer overflow alarming
  7. Stormwater overflow alarming
  8. Vacuum sewer system monitoring
  9. Refrigeration system monitoring
  10. Trade Waste monitoring
  11. Recycled water monitoring
  12. Valve actuation alarming

24/7 measurement, analysis, and analytics of your electricity, gas, and water supply

Informed decision making and management based on real data

Relying on a monthly or quarterly meter read from a utility to control use or identify leaks is impractical.

Flood Monitoring & Alarming

24/7 Flood Monitoring & Alarming

Informed decision making and management based on real data

Floods, storm surges, overflows, and more - everyone hears about the occasional devastating event but nobody considers the regular smaller events that occur regularly and are prevented from causing damage and destruction by careful planning and management.

Hydrant and Tanker Monitoring

Hydrant and Tanker Monitoring

Water scarcity has forced a change in the way bulk water companies operate.

Shifting the focus to resource conservation and effective management of water supplies.

Cathodic Protection Monitoring

24/7 measurement, analysis, and analytics of your CP systems

Informed decision making and management based on real data

Corrosion of assets in an industrial world goes unnoticed by most but is of critical importance to lifespan, safety, and whole of life cost to the asset owner.